

We offer a range of outstanding academic programs and extracurricular opportunities. Please explore our website and Facebook page to learn more!

Online registration is available all year round for Kindergarten to Grade 6. Please use the links below to access either our online registration or downloadable registration form options.

First Time Registering?

Is this your first time registering online? You will be required to Create a new account. Please click Register Now, and select Create new account on the SchoolEngage page. 

Register Now 


Wondering what the difference is between full-time and part-time Kindergarten programs? Part-time Kindergarten runs full days every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Our part-time program prepares students for Grade One.

Our full-time program runs full days every school day and offers extra benefits such as: 

  • Extension and increased practice of academic, fine motor and gross motor skills
  • Increased opportunities for the development of communication and social skills 
  • Extra time for creative learning activities (fine arts)
  • Greater confidence in school routines and experiences
  • Develop stronger friendships
  • We offer full-time programming at a cost. 
  • To learn more about how our school's programming would support your child's learning, please contact our school office at 823-5244 to schedule a visit.