
Grades Taught

K - 6


Greentree Elementary School is a kindergarten to grade six school and proud to be part of the Golden Hills School Division. Greentree School is located in Drumheller, a town nestled in the Red Deer River valley an area rich in fossils. We are holistic, recognizing the importance of all aspects of student development: intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and creative.



Shelley Friesen has been part of the Greentree family since January 2018. She moved to Drumheller in the fall of that year and has enjoyed getting to know the area.

You can often see her outside greeting students in the morning and seeing them off in the afternoon. She loves to get to know her students' families, so please reach out if you would like to meet with her. 

Peter Ehrman joined the Greentree team in September 2024 as the Vice Principal. 

Administrative Assistants: Starla Morgan and Janice Greene

Mission & Vision


Planting the Seeds for Life

Greentree Elementary School, part of Golden Hills School Division, offers programming for students in pre-kindergarten through grade six that lays the foundation for academic and social success.  Our diverse programs respond to the needs of the whole child as we help them grow academically, physically, socially and emotionally.  Communication between home and school is facilitated with an agenda. In it, families will find the operations and policies of Greentree School and be provided with information on upcoming events and teacher communications regarding their child.  We strive to create a strong partnership with families in order to meet student needs.    


Support and Accept Others
Explore Possibilities
Engage in Lifelong Learning
Do the Right Thing
Strive for Success

As a team, we work together to create a safe and caring community, where everyone can strive for excellence in learning.

You can learn more about the exciting things happening at Greentree Elementary School by checking out our Facebook page!